Archeologiczne Zeszyty Sprawozdawcze

Archeologiczne Zeszyty Sprawozdawcze were created to fill the gap that appeared in archaeological periodicals after legislative changes related to the requirements for gathering points for publishing in various scientific journals by researchers.

Archeologiczne Zeszyty Sprawozdawcze

Archeologiczne Zeszyty Sprawozdawcze were created to fill the gap that appeared in archaeological periodicals after legislative changes related to the requirements for gathering points for publishing in various scientific journals by researchers. From that moment on, reports practically stopped being published, and there is no space for short publications about individual finds, which are extremely important in research work, but are of little value in the scoring system.

These factors prompted Yellow Point Publications to meet the needs of
archaeologists and create a new title. We want Archeologiczne Zeszyty
Sprawozdawcze, the first issue of which will be published soon, to be a place where archaeologists will be able to publish the effects of their research shortly after their completion. That’s why we plan to publish two issues a year – one at the end of June, the other at the end of December. The recruitment of texts will be continuous.

We would like to encourage you to send your reports, shorter texts and communications to the following

The texts should be written in scientific language and contain citations and a list of literature. Please send them in the form of an editable text file. Drawings, photographs, charts and tables should be in separate files with an attached text file containing their captions.

Editorial guide

Before submitting, please look at this checklist.

  1. Name and Surname.
  2. E-mail address
  3. Current Affiliation (or Independent Researcher).
  4. ORCID number (if you use it, if not please note that you don’t).
  5. Title.
  6. Abstract between 150-200 words (only for reports and summaries; communications do not require an abstract).
  7. 5 keywords.
  8. Figure caption lists.
  9. All Citations must be in the main block of the text in brackets (Löhr 2007, 37-43) or if you cite figures do like this (Wagner 2000, 43, Fig 2). Use semicolons when you cite more references (Löhr 2007, 37-43; Robertson 1992, 12) and in brackets follow the alphabetic order. In case you want to mention that Micheal Shanks (1998, 24) said something, mention his full name but only for the first time in the whole text, for the second and next times just refer to the author as M. Shanks (1998).
  10. Stosujemy tzw. Harwardzki styl cytowań (np. w Zotero nazywa stylu to Taylor & Francis – Harvard X):
    • Löhr, W., 2007. Western Christianities. In: A. Casiday and F.W. Norris, eds. The Cambridge History of Christianity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 7–51.
    • Robertson, R., 1992. Globalization: social theory and global culture. London: Sage.
    • Shanks, M., 1998. The life of an artifact in an interpretive archaeology. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, 15, 15–30.
    • Wagner, A., 2000. Heralds and heraldry in the Middle Ages: an inquiry into the growth of the armorial function of heralds. 2nd ed. Oxford [England] : New York: Oxford University Press.
    • Watteaux, M., 2011. L’archéogéographie: un projet d’archéologie du savoir géohistorique. Les Nouvelles de l’archéologie, (125), 3–7.
  11. Please be sure when preparing the list for books and book chapters to mention Place: Publisher. Especially older literature sometimes must be controlled in libraries and Worldcat is not helpful for those.
  12. Please double-check if all the literature in the references list is cited in the text.
  13. When presenting numbers in the text, they should be written numerically: 4 buckles.
  14. Please provide a Word file (.docx).
  15. Please don’t format the text in any complicated way. Don’t use double (or multiple) spaces to keep the lines how you think they should look like, don’t use “soft spaces and “hard enters”. Only use headers for section headings and keep them consistent and according to the structure.
  16. Don’t put the figures in the text. Deliver them as separate files (due to the quality issues), keep them as 300 DPI JPG or TIFF files preferable. Be sure you refer to the Figures in the text. Don’t worry, we will know where to put them.
  17. The maximum dimensions of the illustrations are 155×220 mm, the caption must fit under the plates.
  18. Number your Figures in order of appearance in the text (this is very important!).
  19. Please be sure you have legal rights to use your Figures (this is even more important!). An e-mail from the owner of the copyright which passes it to you is also enough, or something that is at CC license, however, Wikipedia and similar photos of artefacts/museum collections are not enough – you need to contact the museum and ask for legal rights). Please keep in mind that it can take some time, so start with this as soon as possible.

Chief editor

Natalia Sawicka

Editorial committee:

dr Adam Degler (Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich)
dr Przemysław Dulęba (Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego)
dr Maria Legut-Pintal (Katedra Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej)
dr Dagmara Łaciak (Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego)
dr Joanna Markiewicz
dr Paweł Milejski (Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich)
dr Jakub Sawicki (Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Praha, v. v. i.)

Archeologiczne Zeszyty Sprawozdawcze 1/2024

Wstęp od wydawcy


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Radosław Kuźbik
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Jakub Mosiejczyk, Łukasz Połczyński, Effimia Angeli
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Ewa Lisowska
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Daniel Czernek, Jacek Pikulski, Marek Trojan
„Kółka w kółka”– problematyka ornamentowych metalowych krążków z obszaru centralnej Małopolski

Michał Lis, Jakub Rąpała
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