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You can now order the first issue of Archeologicznych Zeszytów Sprawozdawczych
The first copies of Archeologicznych Zeszytów Sprawozdawczych are ready. The printing house has committed to delivering the entire print run to the publishing house by the end of the week. The journal is already available in our online store, you can also place orders by e-mail ( Shipping will take place 02.09.2024.
Within three months, we managed to complete the issue, do all the editorial work and print it. I am convinced that the second issue of AZS, which is planned for the end of December, will also be published without any disruptions. We invite all interested parties to send their texts by e-mail to the publisher’s address Information for authors can be found in the tab Archeologiczne Zeszyty Sprawozdawcze.
I thank all who supported this project, especially the authors for their trust and the editorial board and reviewers for their support. Without you, this would not have been possible.
Natalia Sawicka