Katarzyna Stańczuk, Maciej Trzeciecki, Michał Auch

Grodzisko Piotrówka w Radomiu w świetle badań archeologicznych 2010-2013. Część I: stratygrafia i chronologia.


Weight 2,1 kg
Dimensions 4 × 21 × 30 cm
Blok książki



210 x 297 mm



Język publikacji


Liczba stron





dr Tomasz Dzieńkowski, Kazimierz Grążawski, Ph.D.

Rok wydania




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Miejsce wydania



  • Darmowy zwrot produktów do 14 dni
  • Wysyłka do wszystkich krajów

Piotrówka in Radom is an excellently preserved early medieval stronghold situated almost in the very centre of the city, in what was until recently a “no man’s land” – on the one hand degraded by the side effects of the 19th century industrial revolution and 20th century modernisation, and on the other hand constituting an enclave of wild nature which has been “developing” the surroundings of the stronghold for over 40 years. This makes Piotrówka a special place, whose issues go far beyond the scope of medieval studies.

The present book is intended to open a several-volume series of publications devoted to the results of the excavations carried out at Piotrówka between 2010 and 2013. They were part of a broader programme, the final effect of which was to include the site in the social and cultural fabric of the city, and which is still far from being completed. This makes it all the more important to compile and make available the data collected during the four excavation seasons at the fortified settlement – not only because of the importance of the research for the knowledge of Radom’s history, but also as a basis for sustainable and responsible management of the material heritage of the Mleczna Valley’s past. A key issue is to determine the chronology and dynamics of the process that shaped the present cultural landscape of the site. Therefore, the first volume is devoted to the presentation of data on the stratigraphy of the hill and the chronology of the different phases of the settlement of Piotrówka, taken in the long term.


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